Tuesday, August 13, 2013

At the Starting Line


        Like a runner, whose toes are at the starting line, I’m waiting for the gun to go off and start the run. As I wait for school to begin and the assessment processes to start, I feel those anxious butterflies. What if my study is inconclusive? What if we go through all of this and it only provides more questions? What if the data shows a negative result and we have to continue the search for more alternatives? What if the result is positive? Can we afford to expand our program campus wide?

       All these questions are swirling through my head. 

       I wonder if I really will have time to concentrate on all this once school starts. For this point, I’m extremely grateful to have begun my classwork during the summer. It sets up an entire school year for my study to run. We will collect an adequate amount of data and the results should be clear.

       If the results show positive impacts by Moodle on student engagement, higher order thinking skills displays, and performance, this could expand campus wide in our school. This could positively impact our entire student population. It’s exciting to be a part of that.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Let the Madness Begin!

After meeting with my Site Supervisor and reviewing comments to
my plan, I have decided to implement it as is. There are a few tweaks such as using our school software to deliver the needed surveys and planning to be a bit more aggressive in keeping tabs with my participating teachers. Overall, the structure seems sound. As my Supervisor said, "The more data, the better." 
Below is the overall project in written form for review. Enjoy!

Our campus is examining the possibility of implementing a campus wide BYOD plan in our classrooms. In the technology plan, the emphasis is on using technology to innovate and enhance learning. To see if the BYOD plan will enhance learning, we researched ways to incorporate devices in a way that engages students, causes them to use higher level thinking skills, and increases performance. A Learning Management Source was selected to help the BYOD effort in the classroom. After research, a hosted Moodle LMS was selected.

Pre- and Post-project surveys will be conducted with all the stakeholders. This includes the study teachers, students and their parents. Engagement and Bloom’s taxonomy levels will be determined by the use of classroom observation and teacher reporting. Observations will be recorded once each six week period. Three observations will occur in the environment before implementation of Moodle. Three observations will occur during the implementation of Moodle in the environments. This gives a total of six observations per classroom. Three classrooms will participate. One classroom will represent the lower campus, a fourth grade inclusive classroom. A sixth grade Language Arts classroom will represent the middle campus. The senior high campus will be represented by a social studies classroom. The total number of students represents approximately 18 percent of the student population. This shows a wide range of ages, subject matter, and a cross section of inclusive and rotating classes. This is a fairly good representation of the school body. Also, disaggregation of performance data will provide needed input for student performance levels.

To be sure we have included all stakeholders, students, teachers and parents will provide  additional resource information. All groups will complete a survey at the beginning of the project. At the end of the project, the groups will complete another survey. We will examine this data to collect information that was not observed in the classroom.
Also, student performance will be measured by end of the year grades. Those before the Moodle implementation will be compared with grades after the Moodle implementation. Also, grades from previous years’ classes at the same point and the actual study class grades from the previous year will be examined.

During this study I will need to keep my thoughts to myself until the end of the study. In a way, I hope this works because my school was willing to pay money for the Moodle hosting. If using Moodle doesn’t raise these factors, I’m wondering if I will regret asking for all that money. Also, I am struggling with using one of my classes for the study because I don’t know if it will skew the results. I really need to put on my “scientist” cap and let the data drive the study.

Using BYOD in select classrooms, we have found that teachers are integrating the technology by using it for something they have already done previously. For example, instead of writing a report by hand, teachers allow students to use computers for word processing. Students are still writing the same report, only now they are using a computer to type the information. The teachers are not utilizing the technology for innovation.

The addition of using Moodle in the classroom is helping teachers to enhance the classroom environment by forcing them to do things they haven’t done before. This may include e-portfolios, student reflection, chat help for students, and more collaboration. Data indicators will tell us if this change to our environment enhances learning.

Computer wireless support may be a problem. Also, I need to be sure that teachers are utilizing Moodle within the test classes. I also wonder how this might impact other classes that are not using Moodle. Will this cause a problem with those not in the study? Probably not, but it is a consideration to make.

The direction of my project is clear. Focus is on student engagement, thinking skill level and performance impacted by the use of Moodle in a classroom. All teachers have access to learning and have the skills necessary to be successful. All teachers understand their parts in this collaborative study. The timelines are realistic and the plan to monitor the project is reasonable. Success will be determined by increases in the data factors. If the observation tools are not working well, teacher input and evaluation will be used instead.

Although I have not formed a traditional committee to help with this project, there are many supporters in the wings. First, the group of teachers participating in the project will be a great resource and support. Also, the Technology Committee has offered its help in compiling data. Finally, my site supervisor is supportive and has offered to help on all levels.

The project will span two semesters. The first will use traditional classroom settings. After this semester, data and evaluations will be taken for a formative evaluation. Following the second semester using Moodle in the classrooms, more data and evaluations will be assessed. Finally, all the data and assessments will be evaluated to form a final summative evaluation.

Following the project, I will inform my online colleagues. Also, I will have an opportunity to meet with our Administrative staff for a report, followed by an opportunity to present my findings to the school board.  Even if the findings do not support Moodle classroom use, I hope to discover many aspects of the project that would be beneficial to continue in our school classrooms.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Action Plan for My Project


Study Purpose: Determine how the use of a Learning Management Source (Moodle) will affect student engagement, thinking skills and performance.

Study Significance: 
1.    Students will use the LMS. Data regarding student engagement, thinking skills and performance levels will determine the effect of LMS on student learning.
2.    Teachers will implement a LMS tool (Moodle) within a classroom creating data that will show how students are impacted by its use. Teachers will also self-evaluate the ease, usefulness and time allotment needed to use the tool to determine its impact on best practices.
3.    Administrators will examine the data after the project and determine whether this program should be recommended for use throughout all classrooms on the campus.

Revisions to SIP/PIP based on monitoring and assessments
Create proposal including purpose and significance
Online research of Learning Management Sources, Web Conference about connecting the LMS with our school software, RenWeb
Researcher and Head of Schools
Mid to late July 2013
Action Research Project Proposal created and signed for approval by Head of Schools and researcher
LMS product selected
Research LMS products and select which one to use for this project
Online research, emails
Mid to late July 2013
LMS product selected and approved by Head of Schools
Moodle product is to be used for the project
Moodle product set up for study
Contact RenWeb hosting sources to begin Moodle implementation
Connection to RenWeb and request to Moodle hosting section

Mid to late July 2013
Moodle product set up for use by teachers
Teachers acquired for study
Interview and select teachers to be involved in the study
Consideration of subject matter, grades taught, and technological abilities
Late July to Mid-August
Names of teachers selected and approved for the project
 Data collection tools selected
Research and select tools to measure engagement, thinking skills and performance. Teacher survey developed.
Online research into rubrics. Interview Curriculum and Instruction director for possible tools.
Find out availability and access to grades for all classes. Develop a teacher survey to assess time, effort and reward of using the MLS.
Researcher and Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Late July to Mid-August
Assessment tool selected for engagement.
Assessment tool selected for thinking skills.
Document ability to access grades at midpoint and end of study. Teacher survey completed.

Teachers trained in Moodle use
Plan training and be responsible to see that all participating teachers have completed Moodle training.
Give teachers a deadline and have them complete the online Moodle training on RenWeb.
Late August to Late October
All teachers will have completed the RenWeb Moodle training online course.
Engagement and Thinking Skills Assessments Used
Have actual assessments of the engagement and thinking skills of students in participating classrooms.
Administration members will assess students using the engagement and thinking skills tools.
Administration members
Late Aug. – Late Sept. 2013
Early Oct. – Early Nov. 2013
Mid-Nov. – Late Dec. 2013
Early Jan.-Mid-Feb. 2014
Late Feb.-Early April 2014
Mid-April – Late May 2014
Six engagement and six thinking skill assessments are completed for each participating classroom
Teacher survey I completed
Participating teachers will complete a survey assessing Moodle training and set up, and traditional classroom set up
Deliver surveys to teachers and be sure they are returned to compile early data.
Participating Teachers
Early November-Early December 2013
Completed Survey I from all participating teachers
Parent Pre-Participation Survey collected
Participating students’ parents will complete a survey before Moodle implementation
Research, develop, implement and collect data from parents through the use of a survey.
Early November 2013
All parent pre-participation surveys will be collected.
Student Pre-Participation Survey Collected
Participating students will complete a survey before the Moodle implementation.
Research, develop, implement and collect data from students through the use of a survey.
Participating teachers
Early November
All student pre-participation surveys will be collected.
Performance Assessment Data Collected
Collect performance data on the students from both semesters and previous years
Using RenWeb grades, compare student performance for the two semesters. Also compare performance from last year and from last year’s class.
Counselor or
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Late May -Early June 2014
Comparisons are completed between the semesters, students’ grades last year, and the class’ grades from the previous year
Parent Post-Participation Survey Collected
Participating students’ parents will complete a survey following the Moodle implementation in the classroom.
Research, develop, implement and collect data from parents through the use of a survey.
Late May, 2014
All parent post-participation surveys will be collected.
Student Post-Participation Survey Collected
Participating students will complete a survey following the Moodle implementation in the classroom.
Research, develop, implement and collect data from students through the use of a survey.
Researcher, participating teachers
Late May 2014
All student post-participation surveys will be collected.
Teacher survey 2 collected
Participating teachers will complete a final survey assessing their use of Moodle in the classroom.
Prepare the survey and deliver them to the participating teachers. Collect all complete surveys and compile data.
Participating teachers
Late May 2014
Completed Teacher Survey 2 from all participating teachers are selected.
Data Analysis and Written Report
Compile all data and compare levels of engagement, thinking skills and performance before and after using Moodle in the classrooms.
Compile all data and begin to write a report detailing the effect of adding the LMS Moodle in the classrooms.
Mid June-Late July 2014
Written report of data analysis for the study.
Written conclusions and recommendations
After analyzing the data, conclude the effects of Moodle in the classrooms and make a recommendation whether to expand it to all classrooms based on the data.
Research and compile data. Analyze the data and draw conclusions on the Moodle effectiveness in our classrooms. Make a recommendation as to whether and where Moodle implementation should be used in our classrooms.
Mid-June—Late July 2014
Written recommendations of whether and where to use Moodle based on analysis of the project data.
Possible expansion of Moodle into classrooms across based on data.
Report Findings
Give information and recommendations to Head of Schools, Board of Directors, Other Administrators, parents and teachers. Enter findings on my action research blog, e-portfolio website, and post on blackboard.
Research when and where to give these presentations. Plan with the Head of Schools the best way to make the presentations.
Researcher with Head of Schools
Mid-Late July 2014
Presentation of Findings and Recommendations to Head of School, Board of Directors, Other Administrators, teachers and possibly parents.  Enter findings on my action research blog, e-portfolio website, and post on blackboard.
Possible expansion of Moodle into classrooms across based on data.